
Looking Good On a Small Budget


Posted by Felicia Hudson

In today’s competitive marketplace, credit unions’ marketing materials need to look great—even when they’re working on a shoestring budget. We’d like to highlight some small budget success stories on this blog and in CUES publications.

But we’ve had a hard time capturing this story. I recently contacted nine smaller-size CUs to ask about their work with advertising agencies. Of the handful that responded at all, only one was able to talk with me. (The notes from that interview will become an “Inside Marketing" column, most likely publishing on July 19 on If you’re a small credit union having success working with an agency, I’d still like to hear from you.

Meantime, we did see something that might be helpful to CUs with limited advertising budgets that want to find a worthy creative partner.

Take a look at this article on Crowdsourcing, which describes how Australian media company SitePoint lets companies hold contests to find a graphic designer anywhere in the world to take on their creative projects. It could be an affordable way to look good.

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