Seasons of Change

Deedee Myers, Ph.D. Photo
Chief Executive Officer
DDJ Myers, an ALM First Company

With bad news all around us, and never-before-seen events like corporate stabilization hitting from every direction, it wouldn't be surprising if credit union leaders were feeling a little down.

But exemplary leadership requires that we pay attention to how we manage ourselves and shift within a changing environment. Change can be internally driven or externally forced upon us, as in the current economy. How we react to change is critically important to a successful outcome or even minimum survival.

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At the Edge of Chaos: An Industry in Transformation

By Kevin Foster-Keddie

The crisis in the financial services industry will re-shape the competitive landscape for decades to come. What can past financial crises teach us? How can credit unions survive this transition period? What will the new environment look like?

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Powerful Presentations

By Sharon Smith-Swan

It is a colossal waste of time to speak in front of others if you are not prepared, passionate and relatively knowledgeable about your subject.

I'm willing to bet you can think of a few presenters who you wish had gotten this memo. But what happens when you are asked to make a presentation? Can you deliver a message that makes people glad they spared their time?

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Web Video Success Tips

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

I like to say that the surest way to leave an editor without words is to stand them up in front of a group of people and ask them to speak.

So this day of Web video can be daunting for some of us. In contrast, CUES member Gary Easterling, CCE, seems to have taken in stride the shooting of the video for his credit union's new common sense Web site.

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