Don't Educate. Pay Attention.

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

I just returned from a great Filene i3 meeting in Dallas. (For the uninitiated, you can learn more about i3 and its projects here.) In addition to the fantastic product and service ideas being knocked around at the meeting (more on those in later posts), there was a good deal of discussion about the role of education in product development.

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What Motivates Your Professional Development?

By Lisa Hochgraf

I'm an editor. So I get excited about grammar. And beautiful writing. And the way images and text can best work together to clearly present ideas.

So you can imagine my reaction last year when I learned that Edward Tufte, a world-class analyst of graphic information and its effective presentation, was presenting day-long seminars across the country. I was practically jumping up and down like a kid, asking my boss, "Can I go? Can I go?"

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Marketing a Four-Minute Loan

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

Can your credit union get a member an online loan decision in four minutes or less? Do you tell the member how fast the process is up front?

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Cards Buffet

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

Last week I worked from CUES headquarters in Madison, Wis., rather than my home office in Rochester, N.Y. When I stopped at a grocery not far from CUES Madison to pick up birthday treats for a colleague, I was impressed by something I saw in the checkout lane: I'll call it a "cards buffet."

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