Characteristics of Today’s High Performing Boards

They promote dialog and thinking, have a diverse membership, know about partnering and leadership, and are self-aware. By Stephanie Schwenn Sebring high performing boardCatalytic questions encourage dynamic dialog and critical thinking, and better thinking leads to a higher-performing organization, says Cathy Trower, Ph.D., president of Trower & Trower, Inc., Weare

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3 Steps to Collections Success

Be prepared; speak with confidence and authority; and be an expert negotiator. By Brad Young Sponsored by SWBC woman on phoneThose of us that have been in the collections business for some time understand that calling and collecting past-due payments is not always a perfect science; sometimes, it’s more of an art.

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Responsive, not Reactive, Member Business Lending

Your board needs to establish the strategic context for your CU’s program. By Molly Parsells Business people working plan for member business lending with gears on tableYou see parents tell their children to think before acting. This is so the child has time to consider his options and respond to the situation he’s in, rather than just react to it.

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4 Habits of Successful CIO-Leaders

Spoiler alert: Technical prowess isn’t chief among them. By Butch Leonardson CIO leader touches a yellow light bulb with gears nearbyOne of the more interesting realities of becoming a leader is discovering that how you think is more important than what you know. While what you know helped you become an executive, how you think will determine how well you flourish in your leadership role.

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