Slow Down to Build Work Relationships

By Barb Kachelski, CAE

I hate to admit it, but I am guilty.

I have walked past others in the office, saying, “Hi, how are you?” to coworkers and not pausing to hear their full reply.

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Honored for What They Gave

By Barb Kachelski, CAE

Calvin Coolidge had a reputation for not saying much, but when he spoke, he said things that mattered.

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Fired for Facebook?

By Theresa Witham

Last year, when I read (and then wrote) about a case involving an employee fired for something she put on her Facebook page, I was surprised at the outcome.

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The 'Late Mistake' That Boards Make

By Lisa Hochgraf

For the last few years I was the president of a local non-profit board. Now that I'm no longer a director, I've been reflecting on what worked (and what didn't) governance-wise during my tenure.

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The Advantage of Being Different

By Barb Kachelski, CAE

What do these three companies have in common? 

1. A furniture store with cheaply made, build-it-yourself furniture;

2. A manufacturer that build its cars two feet shorter than any other on the market and

3. A social media site that limits senders to 144 characters.

Answer: Ikea, Mini Cooper and Twitter are all unabashedly different and wildly successful. 

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Career Tips

By Theresa Witham

Recently I attended the Association Media and Publishing Annual Meeting. I loved networking with others in my profession and I learned a lot about various media trends, including video and mobile apps. But there was one session featuring the association’s immediate past and incoming presidents of the board sharing career tips. I think these tips apply to all industries, including credit unions.

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