Thursday, May 8, 2008 at 11:18 AM

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

Have you ever observed a cultural phenomena, a hip trend, and just not gotten it? I'm not talking about the things that are here today and gone tomorrow like 80's hair-bands, parachute pants, and leg warmers--those things that offend the senses when you look back ten years later. I'm referring to things that are inoffensive, innately good, but only simmer under the culture surface until something causes them to surge onto the scene and build a cult-ish following. In particular, I'm referring to Moleskine notebooks.

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Corporations Don’t Have Values

By Denise Wymore

Corporations don't have values; people do. A value is an ambiguous concept that governs human behavior. The people at the top of any organization, through their values, create the culture of the organization.

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More Ideas for Helping Members Save or Spend Their Stimulus Rebate

Posted by Jon Cook, CUES editorial intern

"What are you doing to help members save or spend their federal stimulus rebates?" was the question CUES Editor Lisa Hochgraf posted in early April to CUES Net, a CUES-members-only listserve. (She also wrote about the stimulus rebate support being offered by one marketing firm in this Nexus Connection post.)

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