Filling the Void …

By Ron Jooss

Last week I attended CUES' Basics of Business Lending Seminar in beautiful Milwaukee. Providing members with business services presents many challenges and an equal amount of opportunities for credit unions. But just as importantly, at least as far as CUES' mission is concerned, it also presents a huge opportunity for credit union employees.

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Do Rewards Programs Translate to Customer Engagement?

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

According to Allegiance Inc., nearly 90 percent of American shoppers participate in rewards programs to gain points, discounts or prizes for purchasing products. But do these programs actually create engaged customers, or are they just a bribe for repeat business? Allegiance explores this issue in a new white paper, "Buying Loyalty: Do Rewards Programs Translate Into Customer Engagement?"

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Do You Brainstorm?

Posted by Felicia Hudson, CUES Marketing Specialist

We in the marketing department at CUES are always looking for fresh and creative ways to promote our offerings. We recently started brainstorming on a regular basis to fuel our creativity. What we enjoy about brainstorming is that it's a great way to generate a lot of ideas in a short amount of time--and it provides a way for us to collaborate nonjudgementally (at least that's our goal!).

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Learning from Young and Free

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

Normally, I reserve more promotional blog posts for topics related to CUES Experience, but I have big news related to CUES' Execu/Summit that I have to share. (Bear with me, if you will.)

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A Marketing Lesson From the Muppets

Posted by Ellen Bartholomew, CUES Art Director

Remember Statler and Waldorf, the crazy critics from The Muppet Show? Statlerwaldorf

They weren't the best at the "constructive" part of constructive criticism.

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Hey, Leave a Comment! (a shameless request)

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

When I first started blogging, I was concerned that I got very few comments on my posts. I imagined people sitting down in front of their PCs, reading my posts, nodding their head, mumbling something like, "Interesting," and then immediately forgetting what they'd read. That was better than the alternative daydream in which folks scanned my posts, said something like, "Well, that's dumb," and then never came back to the blog.

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What's Your Position

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

I have to buy a car. I hate buying cars. Nevertheless, with the recent demise of my 1994 Honda, I've been swept into the used-car market. Bummer. The problem is compounded by my innate cheapness. It's hard enough for me to buy standard razor blades rather than cheap disposable razors, let alone spending thousands of dollars on something that is only going to cost me more money going forward.

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