Branch Managers: The Missing Link for CU Growth

By Constance Anderson

Everywhere I go, there are concerns that credit unions as a group are hardly growing. Despite expanding their membership bases to entire communities, adding underserved areas in some cases and signing up innumerable borrowers via indirect lending, the movement saw 2006 membership growth of just over one percent.

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Expand Marketing's Impact

By Mary Auestad Arnold

When you hear the words "marketing impact," does your mind summon Super Bowl ads, award-winning campaigns and media blitzes? Or do you think of "marketing impact" in terms of building a successful brand, developing innovative products, even driving a company's priorities?

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Helping Members Save

By Robbie Wright

Quick, name the marketing campaign that encourages your members to save money…

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Profit: It's not a Four-Letter Word

By Scott Lewis

Many credit unions' mission statements go something like "our members are our first priority," which is what distinguishes CUs from banks. It's not about the money; it's all about helping the community. In fact, banks have focused so much on profit and earnings that they've created a very negative "greed is good" image. Now banks are striving to show a softer side in their advertising to convince the public they care.

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OpenSource CU to Blog CEO Network

CUES' CEO Network conference begins Sunday evening and, even if you won't be attending, we invite you to follow the action on OpenSource CU. Bloggers Matt Dean and Trey Reeme from Trabian Technology will be on site to report on sessions and may even put together a podcast from the conference hotel. Be sure to tune in often and add your two cents to the discussion!

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