Our Brand Promise

By Henry Wirz

In his Oct. 12 column for CUES, Pete Duffy invited readers to answer two questions: "What is your credit union's key strategy for promoting its unique brand to unsold customers? What tactics are you using to generate the income to support this strategy?"

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Once Upon a Brand

By Morriss Partee

What’s your story? We’ve all heard that line before. But what is it really? Do you have a good answer? A unique answer? A compelling answer? A memorable answer?

“Why do I need a story?” you may be asking yourself. “I don’t have time to be telling stories. Stories don’t add to my bottom line anyway.”

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Crazy Ideas … Or are They?

By George Hofheimer

At the Filene Research Institute we have the luxury to think about the future of credit unions every day. We accomplish this task by working with academic experts on research projects or the next generation of credit union leaders on innovation programs. Sometimes we use old fashioned methods like gathering around the water cooler and bouncing ideas off each other.

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Why Don't Credit Unions Blog?

By Trey Reeme

“The idea of creating a blog is one that interests me. We are seriously considering including a blog with our new site,” began the e-mail from the CEO of a 5,000-member credit union. It was six months ago, and I was thrilled to hear it.

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Is Your Back Office Showing?

By Barb Kachelski, CAE

“Your members don’t care,” came to my mind in a flashback from CUES’ CEO Institute II at Cornell University. The statement was not disparaging of either the credit union or the member. What the professor was getting at is that to a member, your credit union’s processes or problems don’t matter. What matters to them is whether you can fulfill their needs.

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