Voting for the Future

By Barb Kachelski, CAE

I’m going to share something with you that I’m not proud of.

Even though my dad held local public offices, even though my husband is a registered lobbyist, even though I develop content on the importance of advocacy, I sometimes fear the outcome of elections has little impact. (Don’t worry. I still vote!)

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We're all Talking but Is Anybody Listening?

By Tim McAlpine

Credit unions are writing blog posts, posting videos, tweeting tweets, updating statuses and generally blasting out messages any way possible through all these "free" social media channels. We're all talking, but is anybody listening? Or more specifically, is anybody interacting?

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Caught in a Collection Nightmare

By Ron Oleston, CCE

Are you spending more hours on activities in the collection department than you used to?

Are the examiners asking for more and more procedures regarding new collection activities?

Are additional reserves adding a financial burden to your already-strapped bottom line?

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The #1 Obstacle to Sustained Excellence

By Chris Stevenson

A couple weeks ago, I attended the Filene Research Institute Sustainability Colloquium. At the meeting, noted Harvard Business School professor and Advanced Leadership Institute faculty member, Francis Frei, presented an outstanding session on driving excellence in credit union operations. 

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Words Matter

By Barb Kachelski, CAE

Two years ago, my sister and her family lived with us for a couple of months as they settled her kids into school and searched for a more permanent home. She asked my advice in finding “a bank.” I told her she was on her own if she were looking for a bank, but I’d gladly help her find a credit union. To her, the difference didn’t matter, and she happily took my advice to join a credit union.

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