Are You Using Competitive Intelligence to Generate Loans?

By Felicia Hudson

As a former CUES marketing specialist, I've had the pleasure of interviewing many CUES members. I'm always impressed not only by the passion they have for the movement, but the resourcefulness they demonstrate as leaders. That's why I'm stumped. Why, when so many consumers are disillusioned with banks, aren't more credit unions taking advantage of the opportunities available to woo these potential customers?

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Military Service Families Need You ...

By Lisa Hochgraf

Military service families need you ... to be up on the financial rules that apply to U.S. service men and women, especially while they're in harm's way. By knowing and aplying the rules, you'll be doing a good turn to some of the most courageous of your members, plus you'll avoid potential PR headaches, like what JP Morgan Chase has faced last month.

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Make Your Board Part of the CU Youth Movement

By Lisa Hochgraf

I bet from my headline you think I'm going to write about recruiting members from Gen Y.

And you're partly right.

Les Wallace, Ph.D., thinks credit unions need to be in the business of recruiting not only young members, but also young directors.

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A School is Born; a Review, Achieved

By Lisa Hochgraf

Friends from my personal network doubted me, jokingly, when I said I had a work trip to Hawaii. And I confess I have a pretty nice view of the ocean from the patio on Kauai where I'm working on this post. View

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Arguing Over Risk Management?

By Lisa Hochgraf

Pretty much everyone agrees that had truly rock-solid risk management practices been in place in the financial services industry in recent times, our economy wouldn't be in its current questionable state. So, it's a great time to talk about how better enterprise risk management would look, Steve Williams told attendees at CUES Symposium: A CEO/Chairman Exchange yesterday in Kauai, Hawaii.

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The Furthest Thing From a Junket

By  Lisa Hochgraf

A lot has been written over time in our industry about CU leaders who abuse the idea of ongoing education. Recently we all read about a Hawaii CU with a particularly liberal board travel budget.

But I'm here to tell you a story of commitment and dedication to education.

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