An Experiment in Defining Risk

By Lisa Hochgraf

Try this. Really.

Take a quick walk down the hall outside your office and ask the first three people you meet to define what “risk” means for your credit union.

OK. Get up. Head out.

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A Legacy of Bringing you the Best Brains in the Business

By Fred Johnson

Since I’ll be retiring one of these days, folks who know me well have asked what I hope to leave as my legacy. 

I hope that my 22 years at CUES have left the movement a better place with better prepared leaders.

When I was invited a few weeks ago to a meeting of credit union collaborators at the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business, it struck me that I have seen many indicators that CUES has had a lasting impact on the movement through our ties with world class universities—including UVA—over the last 15 years.

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A Dodd-Frank Surprise: New '$200 Rule' Will Apply July 21

By Lisa Hochgraf

My eyes were attracted to a recent article from BAI in part because it's written by compliance expert Carl Pry, who has written many good articles for us in the past, and also because it highlights a fast-approaching Dodd-Frank-related deposit availability change that needs to be implemented by front-line staff on July 21. July 21!? That's almost next week.

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Driving Quality--and Profits

By Greg Michlig

If your employees are happy and motivated, they’ll do a better job serving members. If members are happy and getting good service, they’ll do more business with your credit union. If your credit union has more profitable members, it’ll succeed financially.

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What's Your Leadership Philosophy?

By Dawn Poker

Knowing your philosophy of leadership can be a great starting point for thinking about how to be more effective in coaching others at your credit union, according to Carol Schillios of Schillios Consulting Group, Edmonds, Wash. Not surprisingly then, she started her session at the May meeting of the CUES Florida Council by asking attendees, largely CEOs: “What is your leadership philosophy?”

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