Vote Today for the Next Top Credit Union Exec

By Barb Kachelski, CAE

Alexia (left), Josh, Jay, Devin, or Amanda…

Which one will be the Next Top Credit Union Exec? You don’t have to wait and wonder! You can vote and lend your support to your favorite candidate. 

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Go Forward, But Go Carefully, With Bank Transfer Day

By Lisa Hochgraf

It's campaign season and a candidate I've been following with interest sent me several brochures about his merits. I read and was interested. Then he sent one dissing his opponent and I had to take a pause. Was this person still someone I wanted to support?

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Align Mystery Shopping Goals With Service Standards

By Jim Jerving

“External service” is, of course, how a credit union treats its members. Mystery shopping is a valuable method of measuring external service, but problems surface when credit unions fail to align the goals of mystery shopping with the organization’s service standards.

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Just Hired a CEO? Don't Just Cross Your Fingers

By Barb Kachelski, CAE

One of the most important jobs directors have is selecting a CEO. Unfortunately, after a board's careful and diligent effort to hire a new CEO, directors have to wait to see how that new executive performs.

In the interim, don't just cross your fingers, John M. Oesch suggested to this year's DLI: Governance participants. Instead, try these strategies for fostering the success of your new top manager.

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Boards Can Learn From New and Old Leadership Ideas

By Bryan Ochalla

Steve Farber, the author of Greater Than Yourself and the president of Irvine, Calif.-based Extreme Leadership Inc., suggests board members could benefit from looking at how things are the same and different from the past—especially while searching for a CEO whom they hope will stay put through thick and thin.

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