Right Sizing Risk Management

By Lisa Hochgraf

Despite their best efforts, most credit unions tend to under- or over-manage risk, Alan White told attendees of the most recent meeting of CUES Premier Networking Group for enterprise risk management.

How does he know? To explain, White compares the risk management staff of two of his credit union clients with about the same assets. One has a risk management group of eight. The other, three.

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Employee Accountability Creates Sales and Service Results

 By Jim Jerving

Ever been on a call to your local newspaper about your subscription and heard your agent set down the phone and ask your question of the agent in the next cube? Hopefully, your agent got the right answer from her effort to get internal service and pass it on to you.

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Hybrid Cards: Convenient or Confusing?

By Aris Jerahian 

Financial institutions continuously are looking at ways to capture and grow their market share with new payment products. Hybrid cards, which combine debit and credit into one plastic, are one of many new products emerging in the industry.

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Who Ya Gonna Call?

By Lisa Hochgraf

Back in 1984, if you needed to manage a spook, you called "Ghostbusters," or at least that's what happened in the movie by the same name.

Deciding who should be called when it comes to assigning responsibility for delivery channel management at your credit union can be a far more difficult decision.

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For Product Development Success, 'Reload' the Resources

By Lisa Hochgraf

A former bank employee, Terence Roche said he used to overstate the resources he would need to develop a new product or channel by 50 percent "just to get the conversation started and to give the project visiblity."

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'Best' Checking Wins Best of Show

By Joline Epple

When the management team at Target Credit Union set out to reinvent our checking account and solve our problem of dwindling account numbers, we jokingly titled the project "Best Checking Account Ever implementation." It seems fitting in hindsight, considering this account reinvention recently landed us the GMA Best of Show honor in the annual CUES Golden Mirror Awards.

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