Mastering Strategic Planning

By Michelle Duhe, CPA, CFE

In some ways strategic planning is a lot like writing: everyone thinks they can do it. But, really, only a few are true masters of the process.

When researching strategic planning, most models consist of five simple steps:

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Recapturing Revenue From AFS Providers

By George Hodges

I had the opportunity to speak with a number of credit union CEOs and board chairs at CUES Symposium in Bonita Springs earlier this month. The dominant theme was liquidity and the absence of lending opportunities. Unfortunately that’s not a problem most credit unions have any control over at the moment, so it begs the question: Are there other immediate opportunities to grow revenue and expand your member relationships outside of lending?

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Doing it Different!

By Tammy Douglass

"We've always done it that way." "If it's not broke, don't fix it." "But I don't like change!"

Do you hear these comments at your credit union? Or, worse yet, have you been guilty of making such remarks? Albert Einstein described insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. 

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