How to Make Quality Decisions

By Mary Arnold

After day two of CUES' DLI: Governance institute in Toronto, I'm eager to discuss how to make quality decisions at the board level. For background, I'd like to ask all of you how you would make a board decision.

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I Think I Can

By Lisa Hochgraf

Remember the story of the Little Engine That Could? The little engine's mantra of "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can" is credited for helping him over the big hill, pulling all the dolls and toys. Surely he couldn't have made it had he been puffing, "I think I can't."

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'Non-Stop' Director Development

By Lisa Hochgraf

CUES Annual Convention has always been a favorite director development conference. Slated for June 21-23 in Orlando, this year's event promises to be "non-stop" in a couple of key ways.

Non-stop travel. Many people will be able to get to CUES Annual Convention on a direct flight. (Even I can do this from my cute little airport here in Rochester, N.Y.!)

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Get Social to Advance Your Career

By Tim McAlpine

Graduate from university, get an entry level position and make your way up through the ranks to the executive suite. Put in the time toiling in your cube and someday the corner office with the view of the parking lot will be yours. That's how it works in the credit union industry. Right?

That's one way, but there might be another path worth considering.

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