Screen Time: When is it Welcome?

Posted by Lisa Hochgraf

If you ask my six-year-old son the question in this post's title, he'll say that "screen time" (when he gets to watch TV or play computer games) is always welcome.

And I have to say that when he and I waited in line for two hours to get his second H1N1 shot in November, I thought bringing my laptop (screen) and a kids' movie was about the best thing I'd ever done.

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‘Think Huge’ in 2010

By Mark Arnold

A new year is underway, your credit union is tackling its goals, and yet, you wonder: Are we on track? Are my team members energized? Will 2010 be successful?

I had the same questions a couple of years ago as I planned my credit union's staff development program.

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Are Credit Unions Missing the Boat?

By John Belty

I have recently read articles about the inability of CUs to move beyond 6 percent of industry assets, how CUs should be more like banks to compete with banks, etc. I believe these authors and anyone who agrees with them have already missed or are missing the boat. The current economic crisis is the biggest marketing/expansion opportunity presented to credit unions in the last 50 years and we are sitting back and watching it sail by.

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