Adventures in Account Opening

Posted by Theresa Witham

Recently I opened a savings account for my 17-month old. But he was only six months old when I first tried. It took me three visits to my credit union and eleven months to get this done.

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The Small Things: A Continuing Saga

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

As I've written my last few posts, I've realized something. In today's tough economy, I'm not inclined to buy anything, but if I end up buying something, I'd much rather spend my money at a business that puts some effort into the relationship. Two recent experiences reinforced this for me.

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Gather Around the Water Cooler

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

Before I began working for CUES, I had heard of blogs but I didn't really understand their purpose. I assumed bloggers weren't much more than under-employed former poli-sci and English majors who had too much time on their hands and needed to figure out a way to make use of their education. I had friends that read them, but I couldn't see quite how they would be relevant to me or my work. Then I joined CUES.

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Oh, What a Difference Service Makes

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

I've had the opportunity to travel to Asia twice this year. Back in March, I flew to Thailand and Vietnam for school, and then last week I traveled to Japan to visit family. Both times I flew via SkyTeam Alliance airlines--Korean Airlines in the spring and Delta/NWA this fall--but my experiences on these different airlines couldn't be more different.

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Conveying Innovation

Posted by Christopher Stevenson

I just returned from a trip to Japan. Not surprisingly, over the course of the week, I had a few experiences outside of my normal routine. One of those was visiting a kaiten-zushi, or conveyor belt sushi, restaurant.

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