CU Management July Cover Faceoff

Help us pick the cover for the July issue of Credit Union Management magazine! Three cover options are now being featured on CUES' Facebook page. To vote, visit CUES' Facebook page, click your favorite cover, and like it. We'll close this poll at midnight on Wed. June 11. How will you decide? Will you choose based on the topic?
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When You Graduate From Flight School, Don't Walk Home

New blended learning courses help you apply what you learn. Dave Ulrich, a professor at the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business, tells a story about a group of turkeys that go to flying school. They study and practice day in and day out. They learn to fly forward and backward, up and down, in wind storms and rain. One day, all the turkeys graduate from flight school and receive their diplomas. Then they walk home. The moral of the story? No one should "walk home" after achieving their goals. Application is key.
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Get Your Own CEO Institute Memory Box

CUES member relations director describes all she took home from Wharton this spring.

CUES member relations director describes all she took home from Wharton this spring.
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4 Ways to Come Up with Brilliant Ideas When the Pressure’s On

Best-selling author and ghostwriter Michael Levin defines creativity as "the ability to develop great ideas while under pressure.” “Pressure creates diamonds, so why shouldn’t it also create great ideas?” he says. Still, sometimes, pressure paralyzes creativity. “I’ve experienced it when writing under deadline pressure and writing under the pressure of my own high expectations,” Levin says.
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Broken Software AND Broken Window

KGS Consulting, LLC

While we focus on criminal access to computer systems through broken software (i.e., the recent HeartBleed problem), it’s important we don’t ignore the broken window. To illustrate how physical security is important to credit unions and their small-business accountholders, I developed this story based on a real-life case. Once upon a time ... … there was a small business. Someone broke in and did minor damage. Modest items were taken. Luckily, the business owners thought, none of their computers. There was another small business. Someone broke in and did minor damage.
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CUES Award Meaningful to 'Future Leader,' Now CEO

Back in 2009, CUES member Steve Schipull, CCE, was CFO of Generations Federal Credit Union and the recipient of the CUES Future Leader award (now called the CUES Exceptional Leader.) Today, he's president/CEO of the $519 million San Antonio CU. As we started thinking about this year's CUES award nominations (due in June and July), we caught up with Steve to see how the award impacted his career and professional outlook.
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