Aite Group Digs Into AML Pain and Proposed Solutions

By Julie Conroy

Finding patterns indicative of money laundering and other financial crimes is akin to searching for a needle in a haystack. With the increasing pressure on financial institutions’ anti-money laundering and fraud teams, however, many with this responsibility increasingly feel like they’re searching for those needles while a combine is bearing down on them at full speed.

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Five Ways to Find New Board Members

Does your board have a process in place to find new members? By Leisa Goodman

Does your board have a process in place to find new members? By Leisa Goodman
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Accepting the Death of Advertising

Excerpted from The 2020 Vision of Marketing by Denise Wymore

What is the 2020 Vision of Marketing? That advertising will be dead.

Many marketers are not willing to concede that it will happen. They are, quite frankly, in denial. They are following the five stages of accepting death.

Denial. This can't be happening to me.

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Sneak Peek of Compensation Week: 7 Best Practices for Retirement Plans

As an editor, I often check out upcoming CUES content to help plan what I'll try to bring to my readers. As I took a sneak peek at the free webinar presentations planned for CUES' 'Compensation Week' April 14-17 (that's next Monday through Thursday), I got pretty excited. For example, on Wednesday (April 16), Scott D.
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Winning the 'War of the Worlds'

By Lisa Hochgraf

I read business articles all the time. So in those few minutes before I fall asleep at night, I often try tackling something different. Interestingly, my latest selection, the classic sci-fi story War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells, had a great business message. (I'm going to tell you how it ends, so if you hate spoilers, read this post after you read the book.)

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