Should You Promote From Within?

By Diane Franklin

When JMFA Executive Search Group is involved in a CEO search, an external candidate is hired more than 50 percent of the time. Nationwide searches draw from a large pool of talent, including candidates who may already have CEO experience, and that sometimes makes it difficult for an internal candidate to compete.

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Limitations Enhance Creativity

By Theresa Witham

Phil Hansen was attending art school when he developed a shake in his hand that affected his ability to make the kind of art he wanted to make.

He left art for a few years but was drawn back to it and decided to see a neurologist about his shake. Unfortunately, the doctor told Hansen that the damage was permanent and asked: Why not just embrace the shake?

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The Future of Credit Unions Will be Bright If …

By Theresa Witham

Last month, the credit union industry descended on Washington, D.C., for the annual CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference. CUES was excited to be there launching our new brand. I was excited to be there to see and hear what the industry was buzzing about.  

The topics that came up again and again were: mobile, cards (especially security), payments (P2P was big), compliance and data, specifically making use of the data credit unions have access to.

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What CEOs Want Their Board to Know

In his work coaching more than 300 boards, Les Wallace, Ph.D., has found common themes among their CEOs.

In his work coaching more than 300 boards, Les Wallace, Ph.D., has found common themes among their CEOs.
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Solid Internal Service Enables Solid External Service

By Laura Lynch

I stopped to count the number of CUES staff who helped me serve a CUES member the other day. The total was three: one co-worker generated an invoice for me to pass on to the member; another talked me through ideas on how to get resources to the member; and a third committed to following up with the member to help on another question. Our goal was serving the member. None of us likely stopped to consider how we had served one another.

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Keep Mr. Beasley Out of the Kitchen

Lessons in service, brand and leadership can come out of early life experiences. By Lisa Hochgraf

Lessons in service, brand and leadership can come out of early life experiences. By Lisa Hochgraf
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Boost Board Election Votes by Asking and Reminding Members to Participate

By Laura Lynch

Most of us want to honor our word. If we make a promise, we want to keep it. If we are reminded of our commitment – given a little nudge in the right direction – we’re even more likely to keep our promise. This holds true from simple, everyday things like telling your spouse you’ll clean up the house to larger commitments like honoring a financial pledge to a cause.

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