Formalize Board Renewal Process for Best Results

By Jessica Jones and Laura Lynch

Every credit union board should make renewal a strategy for success. But many boards struggle with renewal processes such as recruitment and election, which play crucial roles in refreshing the board. The solution? Formalize these processes to efficiently and effectively accomplish them every year.

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Efficiency is Key to Growth and Profitability

By Eric Weikart

Benchmarking your credit union against peers is one of the most productive practices to improve your organization’s profitability. Doing so provides you with a roadmap to greater efficiency and productivity.

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Helping Business Owners

By Theresa Witham

My father is a doctor who has owned his own practice for almost 30 years. He’s a very successful doctor but has faced challenges related to the business side vs. the healing side of his work. He’s been lucky to have my mother, who studied accounting in college, helping to run the business. My dad is a good example of a business owner who is passionate about his work but not necessarily about business

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Credit Unions and Creative Types: A Perfect Match?

By Theresa Witham

Several weeks ago, a Facebook friend posted a link to an educational seminar for Baltimore’s creative business owners called “Mind Your Business.” I clicked the link hoping to see that a local credit union was the  sponsor. Sadly, it’s to be presented by PNC Bank, along with Maryland Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts and a local arts district.

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Start Working on Your 2013 Intern Program Now

By Theresa Witham

Does your credit union work with interns? An internships program can be so beneficial to all involved: students, credit union employees and the CU as a whole.

Bringing in college (or even high school students) to do real work in the credit union can help train future employees. Plus when you are recruiting at school campuses, it gets your CU’s name in front of the coveted Gen Y demographic.

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