Missional Leadership 5 of 7: Coaching Internal Service

By Michael Neill, CSE Missional leaders have a commitment to both internal and external service. The service we provide to the member is never better than the service we provide to each other. An organization cannot out-serve itself.
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Maybe It’s Time to Stop Doing That

By Michael Hudson, Ph.D.

“You must be willing to let go of who you are to become who you are meant to be.

That is the path to epic outcomes.”  

Randy Gage in Risky is the New Safe


One of my favorite exercises to use with strategic planning teams is the "Stop Doing Brainstorm."

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Missional Monday 3 of 7: Transforming Behaviors to Align With Your Mission

By Michael Neill, CSE Welcome to Missional Monday No. 3. Today I want to focus on the second action of a missional leader, “Transform behaviors in alignment with mission.” Last Monday, we focused on ensuring that the credit union has a compelling mission. This week is about leveraging that mission into engagement in the mission. Leaders cause change.
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