Which CU Rock Stars Inspire You?

By Lisa Hochgraf

One of the great stories I can tell from my CUES travel is that, back in 2010, I walked the "sixth" member of Aerosmith to Starbucks in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia. (I just was being nice to the guy in the elevator, who turned out to be Russ Irwin, the keyboard player who has toured with Joe Perry and Steven Tyler for 15 years.)

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Work with Your Board on Governance Leadership

By Richard C. Powers, MBA, LLB

Practicing good governance is key to protecting your credit union. It’s difficult to identify just one practice that is most important, but as an example of how important effective governance is, let’s look at CEO succession.

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Board Compensation: It's Time

The recent "Chairman's Corner" article by Debbie Matz in February's installment of The NCUA Report was very enlightening. According to Matz's article, volunteer directors are integral to the proper functioning, direction and control of credit unions. She rightfully calls it "a mighty responsibility."

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Missional Monday 6 of 7: From Over-Managing to Coaching

By Michael Neill, CSE This is our next-to-last "Missional Monday." Today I want to follow up on our CUES Symposium: A CEO/Chairman Exchange session on missional leadership by initiating an exchange with you about the idea that missional leaders move the organization from over-managing to coaching. Missional Leaders Understand the Difference Between Management and Coaching We have previously presented the differences, as they relate to missional leadership, between
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