Use Video and Mobile to Attract and Retain Members

By Mark Arnold

Your members are constantly on the move, using new technology every single day. As online banking becomes ever more popular among members, and smart phones become ubiquitous, your credit union has an opportunity to interact with your members in new and enhanced ways.

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The Importance of Delivery Channel Planning

By Terence Roche

The fast pace of members migrating from traditional channels, such as branches and call centers, to new channels, including online banking and mobile, is unprecedented:

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Using Your 'Unaccustomed' Hand is Always Work, but Sometimes Worthwhile

By Lisa Hochgraf

How often do you get out of your usual habits and think or take action in new ways? If you're like most of us, you don't do this all that often.

During CUES' all-staff strategic brainstorming session in April, session co-leader Scott Isaksen (the guru who leads The Creative Problem-Solving Group, Buffalo, N.Y.) had us all try two exercises to illustrate our habits--and the idea that we could choose to break with them at times.

You can try these, too.

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Novelty Comes in Flavors: Better and Different

By Lisa Hochgraf

A month ago, when the CUES staff gathered in Madison to brainstorm strategic ideas for the organization's future, session co-leader Bill Shepard of The Creative Problem Solving Group, Buffalo, N.Y., put us through a fun and interesting exercise.

Half of the team, the half I was part of, was asked to form a circle; the other half, to observe the group in the circle. My group was then given a tennis ball and asked to throw it to each member of the group once, and to remember the order of the ball-passing.

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THINKing About Leadership With the Mayor of Newark

By Bill Prichard

Cory Booker could have been you. 

For a moment, while he was attending Yale Law School, the mayor of Newark, N.J., looked into the idea of starting a credit union. The idea didn’t pan out and – as Booker told a credit union audience at the THINK 13 Conference on May 1 in Chicago – other challenges lay ahead.

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New Age Leaders Need Greatness, not Just Goodness

By John A. Vardallas, CAE, CUDE

With all the recent events unfolding in the American business and political sector, perhaps the most concerning isn’t so much the competency of leadership, but rather its ethics. The economic inequality in America is being blamed on the greed of corporate leadership!

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Lucky '13 in 13' CU Growth Strategies

By John A. Vardallas, CAE, CUDE

2013 is the year of the snake. The snake is smart, coy and clever, but it is also ready to strike at any time, leaving those around it with the sense it will always be guarded.  

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A Framework for Director Development

By Teresa Freeborn

One trait setting credit unions apart from our financial services competitors is a history of collaboration with one another. In that spirit, when Xceed Financial Credit Union was asked by CUES to describe and share our director education policy, we were happy to do so.

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